As an Army Officer Steve took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution is very clear on the issue of self defense and citizens’ right to bear arms without caveat. Gun control is a fascist concept that should be roundly rejected by free people around the globe, but especially in a free state like Virginia.
If the state prohibits citizens from exercising their right to self defense the state should be required to provide that protection at all times when an unprotected citizen is present. “Gun free zones” are locations where only the state and criminals are armed. If the state creates a location of that nature the state should be mandated to provide active protection for those unfortunate law-abiding citizens who find themselves in harm’s way. This is especially true for our schools. Children should be safeguarded and cherished above all else. When we entrust our children to government schools it is the state’s responsibility to provide for their safety.