Steve is a Catholic sinner. He tries hard not to put on airs or misrepresent that he is “better than.” He has stumbled many times throughout his 39 years but strives to make Jesus Christ and his family the center of his life. Steve has taken up the political fight to make this small part of the Commonwealth a more honest and free place to live.
Steve Harvey grew up wanting two things out of life more than anything else: the opportunity to do work that he is passionate about and a loving family to support and cherish. He feels blessed that hard work, determination and his faith in God have made these things a reality for him. Steve married his wife, Kate, in 2011 and they have a 6-year-old daughter, twin 4-year-old boys, and a 10-month-old baby girl. Steve and Kate met at the University of Notre Dame where he studied business and was an ROTC cadet. Steve served in the Army as a Blackhawk pilot and was medically retired following a spinal injury.
As a child Steve was a student at Meriwether Lewis Elementary while his father, a US Army Officer, was attending the JAG school on UVA’s campus. Even at this young age Albemarle County had a profound impact on Steve. Of all the places he lived throughout his father’s military career–and then later during his own time in service–this was the place he always thought of as the ideal. After his injury, the Army graciously offered to move Steve and his wife anywhere in the country. It didn’t take long for them to decide Albemarle County was the place to plant roots and make their home.
Soon after moving to Charlottesville Steve went through a personal season of growth that had him digging into history and philosophy. It was the terrible lessons of Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago and the perspective-altering works of Orwell and Huxley that inspired in Steve the desire to take up ideological arms against collectivism, fascism, socialism, and the growing state. The classical liberal creations of Jefferson and Madison, along with their invaluable founding documents, reinforced his beliefs in the beauty of the individual. These were the ideals that led him to become involved in government and he invested himself in several campaigns. Steve visited over 8,700 local residents, sharing his thoughts and educating himself on their concerns, interests and aspirations. His enthusiasm and hard work led to his recruitment as Outreach Director for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. As Outreach Director based in the Albemarle County Congressional Offices, Steve became convinced that farmers, business owners, and families were not being well-served by the lockstep single party representation prevalent in the area. Recent radical gun legislation, championed by the current White Hall representative, were the impetus for Steve’s entry into the 2019 County Board of Supervisors race. Steve garnered 46% more votes than the previous fiscal conservative that ran for BOS in White Hall and believes that he can generate even greater turnout at the Delegate level.
Steve and his family have established their farm and raise their family in Albemarle County. He feels called to put his interests, experience and knowledge to work in a run for the House of Delegates 55th District. Steve is a devoted husband and father, an invested citizen, a patriot and a Christian. Given the opportunity, he would serve the people of the Commonwealth by championing their right to create, work and live with as little interference from state government as possible–while still maintaining the natural beauty that makes Central Virginia special. He is honored to be a part of this race and excited for the months ahead.