Why I’m Running
“In 2019 I ran for Board of Supervisors in Albemarle County as a fiscal conservative. I was horrified when local activist donors spent over $250,000 on ads branding Republicans as Nazis and bigots. The damage done to local dialogue was devastating and will have a long-lasting negative impact on the quality of life for many in and around Albemarle County.
As the GOP House of Delegate candidate for the 55th District it is my great hope to improve the state of political discourse in Central Virginia. I will focus on issues, without all the personal attacks we have seen leading up to the June Primary.
In 1854, the Party of Lincoln emerged to combat the expansion of slavery into American territories. Over the following century, Republicans continued to lead the charge, pushing hard to expand Civil Rights across the United States. We must be honest and proud of this legacy.
I pledge to never back down from the ideals of Liberty, Freedom, and Equal Justice for all.”
-Steve Harvey